Information exchange is primarily through attendance/participation at meetings with a approximately three meetings per year with each meeting hosted by a member airport. We attempt to supplement each meeting with the addition of technical focused workshops/training courses as they are available.
Airport Membership/meeting participation is intended primarily for those directly responsible for the day-to-day operations of the airport (i.e. airport manager/superintendent), or others as agreed to by the CAGO executive board. The membership fee is $425.
Associate Membership status is provided for government agencies/organizations, and for others providing substantial support for CAGO. Current list of members can be found on our website. The associate membership fee is $425, or an in-kind contribution.
Annual Business Membership is available on application - the business membership fee is $425.
Resource time (members, resource persons, others) is largely on a volunteer basis. Business services/cooperative initiatives are intended on a cost recovery basis, as required. Meeting locations are rotated/hosted by member airports on a volunteer basis.
Please contact us with your interest by filling out the form and we will respond with an Application form, or click here to see other contact information.