The Community Airports Group Ontario (CAGO) is an organization of 23 small local and regional airports with similar interests. It was formed for the purposes of raising the technical knowledge and awareness of its members and to enhance airport operating services. The inaugural meeting of the airports group took place October 11, 2001 at the Saugeen Municipal Airport.
Background and Objectives
The concept for the Community Airports Group Ontario dates back to the early 1990's with several airport managers jointly participating in a number of initiatives such as the sharing of information and resources on an informal basis. The aim of the Community Airport Group Ontario is to formalize these and other activities. The principal objectives are to facilitate and encourage the exchange of information, awareness and knowledge among the Community Airports Group Ontario members, and to facilitate and coordinate group sponsored airport planning, development, maintenance, and operational initiatives.
Services and Activities
Business services and initiatives of interest to CAGO include, as resources permit:
- Develop and maintain a information database for our members by way of a website
- Compile periodic survey and reports about member airport activity, costs, and revenues
- Share timely information bulletins of airport activity and information
- Develop and facilitate information exchange meetings/awareness sessions on a regular basis
- Promote knowledge/training/awareness by way of workshops and training courses
- Coordinate the group purchase of goods and services for interested members
- Coordinate technical research activities and identify funding opportunities
- Monitor suitable library resource materials and industry publications
- Maintain a liaison with federal and provincial government aviation officials
- Promote a continued interaction with former and retired community airport colleagues
Technical Issues and Activities
Technical issues and activities of interest to CAGO for presentation and discussion at meetings include, for example:
- Aeronautics Act, Canadian Aviation Regulations, Standards/Safety Circulars/Advisory Circulars
- Airport Operations Manual
- Airport Development - Revenue Generating Initiatives
- Airport Business Plans/Economic Impact/Marketing/Promotion
- Airport Funding Opportunities
- Safety Management